Workshop in molecular biology and African trypanosomoses, in Bouaké, Ivory Coast

As part of the partnership between Intertryp Montpellier and the research institutes in Côte d'Ivoire on African trypanosomoses, the Institut Pierre Richet (IPR) in Bouaké in Côte d'Ivoire welcomed Adeline Sgard, Engineer in molecular biology, for a workshop held from March 11 to 19, 2024 on molecular biology techniques applied to trypanosome research.

This workshop was an opportunity to strengthen the links that already unite Intertryp and partner research teams from Ivory Coast (Institut Pierre Richet, Jean Lorougnon Guédé University of Daloa, Programme National d’Elimination de la THA) as well as the CIRDES of Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina-Faso). It was led by Adeline Sgard, Simon Amoikon (IPR molecular biology researcher) and Louis N’Dri (IPR molecular biology technician) and allowed the participation of 13 technicians and young researchers. It was based on the practical application of diagnostic and molecular characterization techniques for trypanosomes, the identification of technical and organizational problems and the implementation of good laboratory practices. As part of a shared approach to Neglected Tropical Diseases, the workshop also made it possible to explore diagnostic tests for leishmaniasis and Buruli ulcer. The numerous discussions made it possible to identify the problems that could be encountered in research laboratories and to reflect on improving working conditions.

Published: 04/04/2024