Intertryp at the heart of initiatives against Neglected Tropical Diseases at World NTD day 2024

The contribution of UMR Intertryp was highlighted during various significant events organized on the occasion of World NTDs day:

  • the participation of Philippe Solano (DU Intertryp) in the Radio France Internationale (RFI) program, “Priorité Santé” . Broadcast on 01/30/2024, this program was an occasion to discuss with several experts on the importance of the fight against neglected tropical diseases. To listen to the podcast show: RFI - Priorité Santé
  • Philippe Solano, was also invited to the "DNDi event" in Paris for the 20th anniversary of DNDi, along with the CEO of the IRD, Valérie Verdier, where he moderated the Round Table "Quelle place pour un modèle alternatif de R&D ?" An event organized by  the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), bringing together leading experts, researchers, and personalities to discuss successes, challenges, and innovative models of innovation in the field of neglected tropical diseases. For more details, follow this link: DNDi Event - Maladies Négligées

This targeted effort aims to mobilize the necessary resources from different stakeholders (authorities, sponsors, scientific and social communities, etc.) to improve health as a common good, for the most vulnerable populations around the world. 

Published: 02/02/2024