Training modules

Last update: 10 August 2022

The information on pedagogical objectives, the trainers, the organization and the training costs is specified for each module in the links here below. You can contact the trainers to get more details about the modules.

Modules on NTDs-TRYP

INTERTRYP provides training in the diagnosis of animal trypanosomoses and the identification of blood-sucking flies.

For more information

Atelier de formation sur les mouches hématophages du bétail (170 Ko)

Laboratory techniques

Workshop on genotyping on parasites and vectors (122 Ko)

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Statistics and computing tools

Introduction to the empirical population genetics 

  • Genetics populations data analysis tools: real-time data set analysis, and theoretical explanations.

Atelier d'initiation à la génétique des populations + emploi du temps (353 Ko)

For more details

  • Bases in Statistical Analyses with R

Fore more details


Atelier de rédaction d'articles scientifiques (1 Mo)

Further information is available at:

Last update: 10 August 2022