The PNLTHA and its historical partners held the annual steering committee of the TrypaNO project!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021, in Conakry, was held the steering committee of the TrypaNo! Project, funded by the BMGF which aims to eliminate sleeping sickness in Guinea. The members of the National Program for the Control of Human African Trypanosomiasis (PNLTHA) reviewed the activities developed during the year 2021 by presenting the data of the medical and entomological control, while focusing on the many projects of ancillary research which helps to improve this fight.

In addition to the presence of senior Guinean executives, the presence of representatives from WHO, DNDi, FIND, ISSMV, Institut Pasteur and IRD underlines the interest and the close links that exist between the PNLTHA and the main global players working on elimination of this disease in Africa. Mamadou Camara, coordinator of the program, was able to highlight the constant drop in the number of cases detected since 2016, which makes it possible to consider the validation of the elimination file as a public health problem for Trypano by 2023. Future Post-elimination strategies have also been proposed, in particular by the entomological team in charge of anti-vector control. At the same time, the start of a clinical trial on acoziborole, a new single oral molecule, opens up exciting prospects which suggests that the goal of "zero transmission" will be a reality in Guinea by 2030.

For more information; the video link of the RTG report

Published: 10/12/2021